Obesity brought about by wrong eating habits with the new world order and lack of movement caused by working conditions, and the incidence of Joint Damage (Osteoarthritis) that occurs with advancing age is increasing with many chronic diseases.
Joint Damage is not a mechanical wear and tear process. Contrary to popular belief, if you have arthritis, the exercise you will do will not cause your knees to wear out faster. All scientific studies have shown that in mild knee joint damage, therapeutic exercise does not damage the articular cartilage.
Exercising contributes to the treatment of mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis.
As the incidence of joint damage increases in the society, prejudices about the treatment of this disease also increase. When you have articular cartilagedamage (Osteoarthritis) in your knee, most of the doctors in the relevant branch ask you not to run and stop exercising. They think that the cause of your knee problem is mechanical wear and tear in the cartilage. When the majority of patients experience Ekrem Damage, they think that their knee pain will get worse with exercise. In fact, the opposite is often true. Exercise has proven to be the most effective treatment for mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis.
Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Operator Doctor Utku Erdem Özer, from whom we received information about the subject, “There are mechanical reasons fordamage of the knee joint. Especially in patients with advanced angular disorders in their legs, we often see kneedamage. The reason for this is that the loads from the upper side are collected on one side of the knee joint and cause excessive wear of the cartilage in that area of the joint. For example, if surgery is performed due to a meniscus tear and the tear cannot be sutured and a part or almost all of the meniscus is removed, there is a high probability of damage of the knee joint. Some intra-articular fractures of the bones forming the knee joint also cause damage of the knee joint that occurs after trauma. We observe an increase in pain while walking, climbing stairs and running in patients. Studies have shown that after running sports and resistance exercises, chemicals that are harmful to articular cartilage decrease in the knee joint. At the same time, it was concluded that running sports positively affects the cartilage health of the knee joint. In other words, our articular cartilage likes regular loading. Again, most studies have shown that the structure of the articular cartilage is not adversely affected by exercise, and knee pain improves with exercise. “Exercise reduces pain, increases strength, and prevents muscle wasting, and may delay surgical treatment by improving quality of life.” “Many people think that running will cause damage of the knee joint and wear and tear of the articular cartilage. Even those who run for a healthy life, for fun and those who have run an average of 35 kilometers a week at a professional level for more than 40 years; In the knee joint, no relation to articular cartilage damage was found. Also, running has been shown to slow functional aspects of musculoskeletal aging. Exercise is the best treatment for patients with deteriorating knee cartilage or damage of the knee joint. Knee cartilage is not worn out by running or walking.”
Orthopedics and Traumatology specialist
Dr. Utku Erdem Özer
Dr.Utku Erdem Özer, who is an expert in sports injuries and sports surgery, closed surgeries of knee, hip, ankle, shoulder and elbow joints (Arthroscopic surgeries); He is a board member of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Sports Club and is responsible for Paralympic athletes and swimming branch. Dr.Utku Erdem Özer, who is responsible for the health board; With 4 physiotherapists and 2 masseurs, it provides service to more than 3500 athletes from 20 branches, including the Olympics.